We invite everyone for an active and eventful relaxation, playing such spectacular, team and relaxing sport as Paintball. Our offer is addressed to all! Sex, weight, condition or agility are not important. What counts are sober thinking, tactics, trust and cooperation. In the “Bobrowy Dwór” Guest House, Paintball is very popular, so we invite you to learn more about Paintball.
Bobrowy Dwór Ireneusz Łachacki
Smrock Dwór 16 A,
06-220 Szelków
NIP 7621811773 Poland
Smrock Dwór 16 A,
06-220 Szelków
NIP 7621811773 Poland
- +48 (29) 717 62 15
Bank account PEKAO S.A.
Ireneusz Łachacki
06-220 Szelków,
Smrock - Dwór 16 A
Oddział w Makowie Mazowieckim
76 1240 5325 1111 0010 4668 3268