

lyzwyThe scope of activities, among others, include:

  • Canoeing along the Orzyc River and other rivers in the area (Narew, Wkra, Omulew, Bug and Liwiec Rivers)
  • Quads, Paintball, Survival
  • Fishing at a private trout fishery ground (more than 1 ha of the fishery ground available to the anglers)
  • Nature and field Land Rover car expeditions “bird and watching”
  • Diving
  • Cycling
  • In winter, ice skating on the backwaters of the Guest House and sleigh rides
Bobrowy Dwór
Smrock - Dwór 16 A,
06 - 220 Szelków
  • +48 (29) 717 62 15
  • +48 (29) 717 61 83

Bank account PEKAO S.A.
Ireneusz Łachacki
06-220 Szelków,
Smrock - Dwór 16 A

Oddział w Makowie Mazowieckim
76 1240 5325 1111 0010 4668 3268